Biology 2024
Objective Questions
Which of the following organisms contains chlorophyll in its cells?
Correct Answer: C) Euglena
Species are groups of organisms that:
Correct Answer: C) Have similar features and interbreed freely
A plant with a short, vertical underground stem is a:
Correct Answer: B) Corm
The diagram below is an illustration of a reproductive process in an organism. Study it and answer number 4 and 5.

The type of reproduction illustrated is:
Correct Answer: B) Binary fission
The illustrated organism is capable of reproducing by:
Correct Answer: B) Asexual means only
Which of the following organisms consists of a unicellular cell joined to form a filament?
Correct Answer: B) Spirogyra
The structure of the cell that controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell is:
Correct Answer: A) Cytoplasmic membrane
The bursting of a red blood cell placed in a hypotonic solution is called:
Correct Answer: B) Haemolysis
The function of the root hair in plants is to:
Correct Answer: A) Absorb soil water by the process of osmosis
If a germinating seed is attached horizontally to a revolving klinostat, what would be the effect on the seedling after three days?
Correct Answer: C) Plumule and radicle will not show any curvature
The lumbar vertebrae differs from the thoracic vertebrae because it possesses a:
Correct Answer: C) Thicker centrum
Which of the following blood vessels carries oxygenated blood into the heart?
Correct Answer: C) Pulmonary vein
Filtrates in the Bowman's capsule contain vitamins because:
Correct Answer: A) They have low molecular weight
The structures that contain grey matter and white matter are found in the:
Correct Answer: B) Nervous system
The diagram below is an illustration of a sense organ in humans.Study and anser questions 15 and 16.

The part that protects the organ is labelled:
Correct Answer: A) I
The part labelled III is the:
Correct Answer: D) Cornea
The type of pollination illustrated as I, II, III respectively are:
Correct Answer: C) Self, cross, and self
The conditions necessary for reproduction to occur between plants P and Q after pollination is that plants P and Q should be:
Correct Answer: A) Of the same species
The diagram below illustrates a dry dehiscent fruit. Use it to answer questions 19 and 20.

The agent of dispersal of the fruit is:
Correct Answer: C) Water
The parachute-like tuft of hairs developed from the:
Correct Answer: D) Sepals
Which of the following events does not occur in the light reaction stage of photosynthesis?
Correct Answer: B) Carbon (IV) oxide combines with hydrogen
The rate of photosynthesis decreases in a wilted herbaceous plant because the:
Correct Answer: D) Amount of carbon dioxide entering the leaf decreases
The element required for chlorophyll formation in plants is:
Correct Answer: A) Iron
The process of food digestion in mammals would:
Correct Answer: D) Render food substances soluble and absorbable
Which of the following food substances would give a negative reaction with Benedict’s reagent?
Correct Answer: D) Sucrose
Sunlight is the major source of:
Correct Answer: A) Vitamin D
Discouraging the use of poison to kill fish in a large water body is a way of:
Correct Answer: B) Conserving the fish species
The pathway through which nutrients are replenished and circulated in an ecosystem is called a:
Correct Answer: A) Cycle
Which of the following statements is not correct about the food chain? The number of:
Correct Answer: C) Grasshoppers eaten by lizards is greater than the number of lizards
If the individual species of organisms in the food chain are counted and arranged as a pyramid, the result would be a pyramid of:
Correct Answer: A) Numbers
Which of the following gases is released during the decomposition of organic matter?
Correct Answer: C) Hydrogen Sulphide
The diagrams below are illustrations of organisms from different habitats. Study them and answer questions 32 and 33.

The structure labelled I are for:
Correct Answer: C) Physical Defence
Habitats of the organisms respectively are:
Correct Answer: C) Pond and Leaf Litter
An environmental problem caused by sulphur (IV) oxide is:
Correct Answer: A) Acid Rain
The phenomenon by which a farmland that is left to fallow for several years develops into a forest is called:
Correct Answer: A) Succession
A farmer planted many seeds on a small piece of land. The plants that germinated are as shown below.
Which of the following effects would not be observed among the population of the plants?

Correct Answer: C) Mutualistic Relationship
The bar chart below shows the data of sources of energy used for cooking in a community. Study it and answer questions 36 and 37.

The source of energy that is mostly used in the community is:
Correct Answer: B) Kerosene
The two sources of energy that would mostly lead to pollution in the community are:
Correct Answer: C) Kerosene and Coal
An individual found a strange bird that was tagged as an endangered species. What should the individual do?
Correct Answer: C) Return it to its natural habitat
Which of the following traits is not inheritable? Ability to:
Correct Answer: D) Roll the eyeball
Which of the following statements is correct in the ABO blood group system?
Correct Answer: B) Antibodies are located in the blood plasma
A woman with blood group A gives birth to a child with blood group O. Which of the following blood groups cannot belong to the father?
Correct Answer: C) AB
The diagram below is an illustration of the genetic cross between two parents. The parental gamates I, II, III and IV gave rise to the offspring below, STudy it and answer questions 43 and 44.

Gametes I, II, III, and IV respectively are:
Correct Answer: C) T, T, t, and t
Which of the following statements is correct about the cross?
Correct Answer: A) Both parents are heterozygous
The physical appearance of an organism is described as its:
Correct Answer: A) Phenotype
Mutation leads to evolution because it:
Correct Answer: D) Gives rise to new individuals that differ from their parents
The male and female gametes which bear genes for inheritance in plants are located in the:
Correct Answer: C) Stamens and pistils
Which type of breeding is represented by industrial melanism in peppered moths?
Correct Answer: B) Natural Selection
The scientists that are not correctly paired with their famous work are:
Correct Answer: D) II, III, and IV
Which of the scientists were involved in the study of evolution?
Correct Answer: C) I, II, and IV
Theory Questions
- State one functions each of the following parts of the nephron:
- Glomerulus
- Bowman's Capsule
- Proximal Convoluted Tubule
- Distal Convoluted Tubule
- Complete the table below
- List Five Excretory products of plants
Organism | Structure for excretion | Form in which waste is excreted by organism |
Flatworm | Contractile Vacuole | |
Earthworm | ||
Cockroach | ||
Human | Liquid | |
Stomata Pore |
An individual ate a hot and large meal of cassava with salty groundnut soup. The individual was sweating profusely and did not drink water after the meal.
- State one role each played by the following organs involved in the activity involved
- Mouth
- Skin
- Tongue
- Kidney
- Stomach
- Small Intestine
- Large Intestine
- Liver
- Name three of the organs listed in 2a that contain enzymes needed to break down the food
- Name three digestive enzymes that could be involved in the digestion of the meal
- Name two end products of the meal after digestion
- State one effect that the excess salt in the meal might have on the individual.
- State three advantages that the individual would derive from the meal.
- A piece of raw meat was left in an uncovered bowl for seven days. Use the information to answer questions 3(a) and 3(b).
- State four likely changes that would be observed in the meat.
- Name the biological process that led to meat. the changes that are observed in the meat
- On the table below, list four methods of preserving meat to prevent it from the changes stated in 3(a)(i) and mention the principle involved in the methods.
- Name two environmental factors that may be responsible for the changes in 3(a)(i)
- Name one method of preserving the following food items
- dried maize grains
- fresh tomatoes
- vegetables
- beans
- milk
- Complete the table below by stating the type of cell division and the type of set of chromosomes for the listed cells.
- What is mitosis
- Explain briefly how parents with blood groups A or B could have an offspring with blood group O.
- Explain briefly how genes are involved in the process of evolution
- What is competition?
- List two types of competition.
- List four factors that organisms compete for in a habitat
- Explain briefly the relationship between competition succession
- What is structural adaptation?
- State four types of structural adaptations in animals
- Complete the table below by listing three types of adaptive colouration in animals and give one example each of animals that show the colourations.
- Give three examples of plants found in a tropical Rainforest.
Three types of adaptive colouration in animals | One example of animal that shows the type of colouration |
Practical Questions
SPECIMEN H-LEAF OF BRYOPHYLUM( with adventitious root)
Study specimens B, D and E and answer questions 1 (a) to 1(0.
- Name the Phylum and Class of the organism that possesses specimen D.
- State three observable features of specimen B
- Give three functions of specimen B to the organism from which it was obtained.
- State one function each of specimens D and E to the organism from which they were obtained
- Mention one adaptation each of specimen D and E to the function stated in 1 (c)).
- Use the office pin provided to pick the dark green structure attached to specimen B Touch the fluid coming from the structure with each of the red and blue litmus paper at intervals, Record the observation and inference in the table below.
- Give three functions of the fluid tested in 1(d)) to the organism that possess it.
- Name the biological system in the body of vertebrates that specimens D and E belong to.
- Which of specimen B, D, or E is absent in human?
- Name the mode of feeding of the organism that possesses specimen E.
- Name one type of food that the organism that possesses specimen D consumes.
Test | Observation | Inference |
red Litmus Paper + Fluid | ||
Blue Litmus Paper + Fluid |
Study specimens F, H and K and answer questions 2(a) to 2(d).
- State four functions of specimen H to the plant from which it was obtained.
- State one function each of specimen F and K to the plants from which they were obtained.
- Give one reason each for the answers in 2(b)(i).
- What part of the plant is modified for the function stated in 2(b)(i)?
- State four observable differences between specimens F and K.
- State one similarity between specimens F and K.
- Make a drawing of 6cm to 8cm long of specimen H and label fully
Study specimen L, M, P and Q and answer questions 3(a) to 3(d).
- Name the region of the human body where each of specimen L and Q are located
- State four observable differences between specimen L and Q.
- State four observable similarities between specimen L and Q.
- Name two bones each that articulate with specimen M and P.
- Name one vertebra each that is located before and after each of specimen L and Q in the vertebral column.
- Complete the table below by using tick () to indicate presence and cross (X) to indicate absence of the following features in each of specimens L, M, P and Q. Specimen
Specimen | Features | |||
Neural Canal | Rounded Head | Neural Spine | Long Shaft | |
L | ✓ | |||
M | ||||
P | ✓ | |||
Q | ✓ |